Ugh.this really drags my experience of the game in the dirt. Which that is probably the answer itself. Wish I could rate their customer service, cause I have yet to receive anything back from them about this matter. Tells you how much they only care about profit and could really care less of fixing the issue. What's really gonna grind my gears is if (which I'm sure they might) they release a DA4 and still not have this problem fix. Not to mention reading all these threads and topics that were created almost two years ago about this problem makes me believe they don't care to fix this issue. I have a Xbox and I have all the mass effects and the other dragon ages game and not had a single problem until DAO. Not to mention the DLC I have downloaded which is a now a waste because I can't even use them. I mean why have a sequence of games like this if you don't have the server working to really experience the game like it should be. But, it will let me connect to the second and third one.

But, of course DAO won't let me connect to it's server. Also I wanted to restart DAI with the new character and so forth after playing the first and second. I played DAI and was recommended from friends to really play the first and second to get a better understanding of the game and experience.